The year of a man with firm thrust and good humour

After 2014’s election in a bubble, 2015 has been a year in political suspension.

Opinion polls shuffled: National only a couple of dips from high 40s, Labour just back over 30, Greens 11-12, New Zealand First around 7, the rest in tiddler territory.

There was a frisson in March when National bumbled the Northland by-election. Winston Peters’ win gave electoral voice to many provinces’ muttered assertions of government neglect. read more

The old or the new? Responses (or not) to turmoil

On Friday a few score current and former MPs and partners will over dinner commemorate a signal political event: the election of the first Labour government.

This was at a time of unstable global politics, soon to generate a world war, and economic disequilibrium after a deep depression.

Friday’s celebration (coming soon before a shadow cabinet reshuffle) has been got up by Stuart Nash, great-grandson (by adoption) of Sir Walter Nash, 14 years Finance Minister and three years Prime Minister. read more

Dead cats, fiscal transfers and climate (in)action

The short story last week was John Key’s teenlike lash-out under pressure over Malcolm Turnbull’s treatment of deportees. That reaction to pressure is becoming a pattern.

It is unbecoming to him and to the country, which, also teenlike, he calls Newzealn.

Rob Salmond, Labour’s resident political scientist and campaign numbers guy, mined the advice of Lynton Crosby (of Crosby/Textor) to London mayor Boris Johnson to suggest Key’s attack on Labour for “backing rapists” was to divert attention by throwing a “dead cat” on the table. read more

Doing the logical money thing — for the well off

On Thursday Graeme Wheeler will nudge you again, not in words but by his positioning: if you have money to invest, buy a house.

In a major speech on October 14 Wheeler trailed another official cash rate (OCR) cut.

He also said, significantly, that monetary policy “can affect the level of distribution of income”. He did not specify how but conservative commentators have: towards the well-off. read more

The workers’ flag is deepest red — and Green

It’s Labour Day next Monday. What’s the point nowadays?

Once there was tradition: organisation and regulation for decency and dignity for those who got their sustenance from work for others.

The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) is in that tradition. It held its biennial conference last week.

It farewelled president Helen Kelly, gravely ill but still sparky on the last day of her eight years at the top: fearless and tenacious, a “complete pain in the arse” for opponents but always with a disarming smile, Labour leader Andrew Little said at the conference. read more